Final Call for Awards Nominations 2017 of the World Cultural Council

Deadline: November 28, 2016 – The World Cultural Council would like to make a final call for nominations to the 2017 Albert Einstein World Award of Science and the Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts. The deadline for this year’s nominations, Monday 28th November 2016, is fast approaching.

To nominate online or for further details of the awards, please visit:

Renomination of previous nominees is possible and encouraged.

For more than three decades the World Cultural Council has been recognizing individuals who have made exceptional achievements in science, education and the arts, within its overall aim of fostering tolerance, peace and fraternity across the planet.

The prizes are granted to those whose work is judged to have had a particularly positive impact on the cultural legacy of mankind. The Interdisciplinary Committee evaluates candidates nominated for its three awards (“Albert Einstein” for Science, “José Vasconcelos” for Education, and “Leonardo da Vinci” for the Arts). The high level of the jury, comprised of world-renowned, eminent individuals in the above fields, enhances the prestige of the awards.

„The World Cultural Council is committed to the recognition of achievements in scholarship, creativity and altruism. It believes that science, education and the arts hold the key to the future of humanity. They are the building blocks of culture“, said Professor Sir Colin Blakemore, President WCC.

